I guess one gets mature as one grows up. Not to be fearful of the commonplace. One accepts such things as way of life.
I remember my school days. Studying regularly, fully prepared for the exams a week before.
I followed this policy even in the first year of my college.
Then gradually I lost the fear of exams. Last minute preparations became a common thing. Studying only what is necessary.
Why, you would ask. Maybe I became more relaxed or easy going, maybe i came to realise that more than marks what matters is your attitude and knowledge, maybe because it was due to my surrounding environment or maybe I just became plain lazy.
As i have grown up, I feel that I have changed quite a lot. I have become more confident, social, cool, relaxed. But I have also lost a little of that competitive spirit which I had in school days. I sometimes get satisfied very easily. When I see people with a drive or purpose of life, I began to respect them more. But somehow i can't seem to get that drive in my life. Maybe it may come later. Till then life can go on as it is. Enjoy it.
Till next time